Users within the service area can book on-demand public transit trips through the PICK App, or by calling 855-735-4826. PICK Transportation will be a vehicle option within the Uber app when booking trip.

How to Ride

Days/Hours of Operations

The PICK Service Providers will provide on demand services under the PICK Brand during the following days and times:

Day of Week Service Start Time Service End Time

Monday - Friday 5:00 PM 10:00 PM

Saturday 10:00 AM 2:00 PM

Sunday No Service No Service

Service days and hours apply to all service providers in all community service areas.

Service window: The time period between the Service Start Time and Service End Time.

Riders can only book trips within the service window:

● Trips can only be accepted 60 minutes prior to requested pick-up time.

● Trips can only be requested 60 minutes prior to the beginning of the Service

Start Time.

o Use Case Example – A rider may request a trip at 4:15p.m. local time but

the trip must meet both of the following two conditions:

⮚ 1. Trip Request pick up time after 5:00 p.m. (After the start of the


⮚ 2. Trip Request pick up prior to 5:15 p.m. (60 minutes or less from

the time the request is made)

● A trip request cannot be made after the Service End Time.

● A pickup time cannot be after the end of the Service End Time.

Holiday Closures

The PICK Transportation service will not run on 4th of July, Thanksgiving Day, Friday

after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and New Year's Day, Memorial Day, or Labor Day.

Holiday closures are subject to change from time to time by an agreement between the four

transit agencies (Pelivan Transit, JAMM Transit, Cimarron Transit, and KI BOIS Transit).

Notice: Updates will be posted on webpage and social media pages.